Small Group Ministry Information:

What small groups do:


Within the church:

Small groups are designed to grow families within Open Arms closer to God and one another. By having small groups, it allows people to ask more questions about different situations they're experiencing in their lives.


Within the community:

Originally these groups were designed for church members, but now we welcome anyone and everyone to our Bible Studies. We look at it as a great way to reach souls for Christ!


Would you like to join?

Please see the Jesse Wenger if you are interested in joining. Or check the bulletin on Sunday for updates!


The Overall Goal of Small Groups is:

To build closer relationships in the church and community, and allow families to learn about God in a more personal environment.

People need to know that everyone is welcome! You do not need to be a Bible scholar to join these groups. We all learn together and eat a lot of great food!



Small Group Ministry

Small groups are available as an ongoing ministry throughout the year in several locations and covering various studies, please see Jesse Wenger with questions.